update on 16-08-2014

Word Clock

a study for a word clock with something different

Many makers have a project in mind that they never evaluate enough important to start working on. The one that is intriguing but not to much "professional". Anyway they continue to accumulate infos and components in a drawer for a "who knows when" day.

In a very busy period because of my job (the real one not the hobby) I needed something to free up the mind from day-by-day routine. Something easy but stimulating but a little bit useful but... This is the right time for the long waiting Word Clock project. Let me open the drawer and start working seriously on it.
Try googling "word clock". A huge quantity of sites like this one will be found. Many of them are Arduino based, full described and ready to work... for normal people. Not for a one crazy and masochist like me. I'm not looking for a quick and simple solution. My goal is the project not the result.

The best phase of the project: the design of the hardware, retrieving all the components collected during the years.

From a cumulative purchase from a China on-line store I have 500 high brightness white LEDs. From an even older purchase I have some 20x20cm expanded PVC sheets. Using Adobe Illustrator I realized the transparent letters masks and started testing the printout with ink jet and laser printers.

The realization of the panel that will holds the LEDs matrix to display the words.
Another phase that gives a lot of satisfactions, requiring the study of all the correct techniques to make all working fine together: the software.

An then, let assemble all the pieces together. It must also look beautiful to allow the installation in an ordinary room, not just in the lab.

Another amazing phase of the project: writing the software with the right techniques that will make all the pieces working fine together.